How To handle a voicemail visitor
What is the voicemail system and how does it work?
- A resident will call (888) 267-6690, or a specified number for your community.
- If they are calling from a number in their profile, the system will ask them to enter their pin, followed by the pound sign. #
- If they are not calling from a recognized number the message will ask them to enter a 10-digit number from their profile, then press the pound sign. #
- Leave a message with the visitor’s full name, date and time of arrival,
- Press one if finished.
- Press 2, if they want to record another.
- Hang up when done
Note: The voicemail PIN cannot start with a 0, the resident will get an error
What happens once a resident leaves a voicemail?
Desktop App
- Click the green button that says voicemails available
- This will pop up the visitor screen and start playing the message
- Enter the details of the visit and click Save
- There will also be a new Visitor Name listed as Voicemail, Voicemail
- Double Click the Voicemail, Voicemail
- This will pop up the visitor screen and start playing the message
- Enter the details of the visit and click Save
- Once you update the details of the visitor the “Voicemails Available” goes away
Web Portal
- The red button on the top right will tell you if you have a new voicemail
- Click the red button
- Listen to the voicemail
- Click Add Visitor
- Click Next if you have more voicemails to enter
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