How To call in a visitor using the voicemail system
What is the voicemail system and how does it work?
The voicemail system will allow you to call in a visitor and leave a voicemail for the guard to then enter into the system.
- You will call (888) 267-6690 (Or the specified number for your community.)
- If you are calling from a number in your profile, the system will ask you to enter your pin, followed by the pound sign. #
- If you are not calling from a recognized number the message will ask you to enter a 10-digit number from your profile, then click the pound sign. #
- Leave a message with your visitor’s full name, date, and time of arrival.
- Press one if finished.
- Press 2, if you want to record another.
- Hang up when done.
Set up your security pin – REQUIRED – This only needs to be done the first time
From a Mobile device
- Open the TEKControl Visitor Management application on your mobile device
- Enter your username and password
- Tap Hamburger Bar at top left
- Tap Profile
- Verify your phone numbers are correct
- Scroll down until you see Security Pin
Type in a secure 4 digit pin code
- This PIN number cannot start with a 0
- Scroll down
From a computer
- Access the portal:
- Enter username and Password
- Click Sign In
- Click the sprocket or gear icon at the top right corner
- Click Profile Settings
Enter a Secure 4-digit PIN in the Security Pin field
This PIN number cannot start with a 0
This PIN number cannot start with a 0
- Click Save
- Click Address/Contact
- Verify the phone numbers you will be calling from are correct
- Update if needed
- Click Save
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